Monday, October 8, 2007

The beginning

I have always written. Primarily my line of work required me to make boring subject matter interesting. There is not much that can be exciting to the general public in the Financial Services or Information Technology books unless you are a part of those fields or it directly affects your pocketbook.

However, because I am a habitual journal keeper, I have always wanted to pen and record what I have seen in my travels.

I hope that some of it will be of interest to others and some of it may assist others to make the journey through life with a little more peace than I have.

This journey began in South America.

I was six and can remember the images vividly.

I was on a farm owned by my grandfather. namryck was the name of the farm and it had been owned by Dutch Settlers in the 1600s. It was now owned b a sixty-year-old Chinese/African/Wai Wai Indian who had worked for twenty years to pay for this farm on the Essequibo river.

The smell of the smoke from the fire place, the smell of the duck being roasted and the smell of noodles are some of the forst memories I have. I suppose that explains my fondness for duck to this day.

It is childhoiod memories of those villages in South America, the indian villages and the running rivers and streams that I now long for again.

A time long gone, but that may return through my writing and future travels.

I hope so.

Come join the hourney, if you'd like. I promise to take you to places that will soon become familiar to you


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